Orthopedic & Joint Replacement Surgery

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Orthopaedics is a medical speciality devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of injuries and diseases of our body's musculoskeletal system. This complex system includes bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves and allows us to move, work and be active.

Orthopaedic difficulties range from the conventional (mild inflammation due to a strenuous workout) to the critical (spinal cord injury). The Orthopedic Department of TietenMedicity provides comprehensive care for all orthopaedic difficulties. Services are available for patients of all ages with complaints about congenital, developmental, traumatic, infectious, degenerative or neoplastic nature.

Care is provided by a large group of well-trained orthopaedic surgeons, followed by a team of physiotherapists. Procedures conducted are :

Joint Replacement Surgery:

Knee: Primary Hiflex& Revision

Hip: Primary Surface Replacement, Primary Uncemented Replacement, Primary Cemented Replacement, Primary Bipolar cemented &uncemented, Revision Hip Replacement

Shoulder: Primary Standard & Surface

Trauma: All conservative & highly advanced internal fixations Locking plate, Standard DCP, IM Inter-locking, Nailing of tibia, humerous, femur for fresh and old cases.

Spine: Fixations, Instrumentation, Decompression, Disc surgeries Paediatrics

Orthopedic Service: CDH, Congenital deformity correction.