Cancer Surgery

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Our surgical oncologist performsa procedure to take out a tumoror some nearby tissue. Cancer surgeries are considered as the oldest form of treatment for cancer and still work well to treat many types of cancer today.

Our Surgical Oncology Department has a team of qualified and trained surgical oncologists for every aspect of cancer surgeriesfor patients. The expert surgeon’s team is backed up with the best state-of-the-art facilities and instruments for treatment. Our doctors from all departments work hand in hand to provide the most customized best treatment plan for you.

All surgeries performed by our surgeons are precisely done on the patient’s clinical condition, type and stage of cancer. Surgery may also be used in combination with other treatment options like chemotherapy or radiation.

Diagnostics–It is a form of cancer surgery that doctors use to remove all or part of a tumor, so the tumor can be studied further.

Staging –This cancer surgery shows the size of cancer and tells you the stage of cancer and how much it has spread. After knowing the stage of cancerour oncologist finds how serious the condition is and provides the appropriate aggressive treatment.

Primary treatment – There are many types of cancers where cancer surgery is the primary and main treatment for it.

Debulking –Our Oncosurgeons try to remove cancer as much as possible but in some conditions, the surgery can't remove all of cancer. This type of surgery is termed asdebulking.

Relieving symptoms or side effects –Some Surgeries are used to improve the quality of life of a patient. Onco surgeons at TietenMedicity get rid of pain through this surgery and is usually done for cancer that's pressing on a nerve or bone or it is performed to remove cancer that's blocking the intestine.